"Drawing Tapestries" is part of an ongoing study into how to capture the present moment through traditional and historical narrative forms and current on view at Blush Wine Bar in San Francisco, CA. Inspired by Medieval tapestries, which use craft and symbolism to capture stories in history, Sarah Rose Weitzman seeks to combine the natural world of her Bay Area home with this traditional form of visual storytelling. Fabric becomes gouache; canvas becomes paper; historical figures become local fauna. In recontextualizing her personal stories and surroundings in a historical form, she strives to suggest a utopia that may—or may not—exist.
LEFT: Trumpet Flowers, 2023 Acrylic Gouache on paper coated with wax 24" x 48" x ½”
RIGHT: Taming, 2023 Acrylic Gouache on paper coated with wax 8" x 8" x ½"
RIGHT: Taming, 2023 Acrylic Gouache on paper coated with wax 8" x 8" x ½"
LEFT: Coyote Blossoms, 2023 Acrylic Gouache on paper coated with wax 24" x 48" x 1½"
Pelican Ridge, 2023 Acrylic Gouache on paper coated with wax 24" x 48" x 1½"
Pelican Ridge, 2023 Acrylic Gouache on paper coated with wax 24" x 48" x 1½"